Innovation Studio Research is vital to inform strategic, ecosystem-level discussions on the emerging community of practice at the RCS and how best to further develop an innovation ecosystem for the performing arts.
Modelling and Mapping the Innovation Potential at RCS
Working with Dr Michael Pierre Johnson, we have undertaken a period of action research, helping to develop our evaluation and the development of our emerging innovation community. Dr Johnson is a Creative Economy Leadership Fellow at the Innovation School, The Glasgow School of Art, who specialises in design practices to map and model the value of creative and cultural work in relation to the people, organisations, places and things they engage with.
The awardees of the first round of funding worked with Michael to develop narrative and network maps to explore what constitutes the ‘narrative’ behind their project (the offering, the values, the approaches and how others will engage or experience your project); and to capture the relationships, the knowledge, the value and the audiences of innovation projects.

Creative Health: Mapping the Ecosystem between the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (RCS) and the Health and Well Being sectors
The Innovation Studio team is working with team of researchers from the RCS community to undertake key background research and mapping to support our insight into one of our key themes, Creative Health. This piece of research will map the work that is already underway within our community and establish a baseline from which we can assess the impact and potential of the many and varied projects and initiatives led by staff and students around Creative Health.

Other Activities
The Research & Knowledge Exchange coordinates a number of workshops, programmes of support and the Doctoral Degrees Programme at RCS. Innovation Studio community members are invited to join us for the Make It Happen Workshops, Exchange Talks, and other events we host.
To learn more about the Research & Knowledge Exchange please visit the RCS website.
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